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BEST 5Vagina Care12月20日 ~ 12月27日

  • YES インティメイト・モイスチャージェル VM 7mlピロー

    YES VM - natural vaginal moisturiser 7ml

    385 yen

    95% of the ingredients are organic. The "Moisturizing Gel for the vagina" that is particular about the ingredients and the feeling of use.This is a pillow for 7ml, the standard amount for one use.

  • Dame ボディワイプ

    Dame Body Wipes

    2,200 yen

    Body wipes designed for vaginal pH. Contains aloe to rehydrate, refresh and nourish your skin.

  • シルクィッド 【T-Lube】 FtM用ローション

    sliquid 【T-Lube】for FtM

    2,420 yen

    Moisturizing lotion for FtM. It was developed as a daily use moisturizing lotion for trans men who tend to have vaginal dryness due to hormone therapy and other reasons.

  • YES インティメイト・フォームウォッシュ ローズ

    YES CLEANSE intimate washes Rose

    3,520 yen

    84.9% of the ingredients of the "vagina soap" made by YES, a serious lotion brand in the UK, are organic. It balances the pH of the delicate zone and removes odor-causing bacteria.It's a rose scent.

  • YES インティメイト・フォームウォッシュ 無香料

    YES CLEANSE intimate washes Spice free

    3,520 yen

    84.9% of the ingredients of the "vagina soap" made by YES, a serious lotion brand in the UK, are organic. It balances the pH of the delicate zone and removes odor-causing bacteria.

  • exsens INTIME FRESH

    exsens INTIME FRESH

    3,300 yen

    This gentle wash is made with organic rose and aloe, which are luxuriously gentle on the skin. It also helps to balance the pH level by just using it.

  • YES インティメイト・モイスチャージェル VM

    YES VM - natural vaginal moisturiser 100ml

    3,740 yen

    95% of the ingredients are organic. The "Moisturizing Gel for the vagina" that is particular about the ingredients and the feeling of use.

  • YES インティメイト・モイスチャージェル VM アプリケーター

    YES VM - natural vaginal moisturiser 5ml×6pcs

    3,850 yen

    95% of the ingredients are organic. The "Moisturizing Gel for the vagina" that is particular about the ingredients and the feeling of use. Easy to put in applicator type

  • ピンク・プライベートホワイトニングクリーム ピロー

    Pink Privates Lightning Cream

    612 yen

    Simply apply to your favorite places and get whitened! This whitening cream is for the delicate skin and is a 3ml pillow type so you don't have to use too much.














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