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Love Pearl Light & Medium
The smallest size vaginal training ball in the Love Peace Club! 【Light & Medium】set.

Love Pearl Light & Medium

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●Weight: 42g (Candy Pink)/ 58g (Rose Pink)
●Length: 64mm (Without string)
●Diameter: 28mm
●Material: Elastomer
●Relax and pull out slowly.
●Use water based Lubricants

販売価格:¥5,280 (tax included)
In Stock


Item Number: 02090044

Points obtained: 240 LPC Points

Like the Love Pearl, we carry vagina training goods sold by the Love Peace Club, but this Love Pearl is the smallest size.If you're nervous about putting something big in, or if you're likely to be sore, I recommend training with this small ball.
The Love Pearl comes in four types: a light set, a light and medium single, and a heavy set. Love Pearl Heavy is recommended for those who have experienced childbirth and are particularly concerned about vaginal looseness.
The "Light Set" is a set of two pieces of 40g and 60g.Keep an eye on your symptoms and physical condition and change to something light or heavy and go about your life normally.
When you apply the lotion, it slips into your vagina.It is just about two fingers thick.As it is, I live a normal life with it in.The ball in the love pearl rolls with a roll and stimulates the vagina. By doing so, it is an excellent goods that you can train your vagina just by putting it in.
In the Edo period (1603-1867), courtesans put a ball like this inside their vaginas and trained to tighten the vagina, so this type of ball was made. In fact, even though you are just putting it in, you are firmly aware of the existence of the vagina, and you can see that the PC muscle running from the vagina to the tailbone is gradually strengthened.We have heard from customers who have used this product that their lower back area is improved by strengthening the PC muscle.

What's great about this Love Pearl is that the string is also made of elastomer and the string and the ball are completely integrated.All you have to do is to pull the string that extends from the body and it can be easily removed from the vagina.
Only strictly controlled materials are used, and the way they feel when they hit the skin is also calculated. The feel was not hard to the touch, but not soft either.It has a smooth, rubbery feel. Of course, there is no smell of rubber.

A body that can be tightened when it wants to be tightened. This product is designed to help you get a snuger body and enjoy sex in a more positive way.

*If you put your fingernails on the string, you may scratch it and it may be damaged. Do not claw at the string when removing or removing the strap.

Using the ideas

As a seller, I can't really recommend this product...but since it's a set of two, I thought it would be a good idea to give one as a gift to a friend or girlfriend. It's a set of two, so I thought it would be a good idea to give one as a gift to a friend or girlfriend. The correct way to use the set is to use it according to your physical condition and training condition, but it's also good to share the set with other people, isn't it? When you train, you tend to skip a workout before you know it, right? So, let's work hard together, just the two of us! I felt like I could continue to do this. However, you must not use what you put in your vagina with others, so you must never give what you use to others. (Angel)

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FAQ about products

Q What happens when you work out your vagina?      A A woman's orgasm is a contraction of the PC muscle that runs through the vagina and the cauda equina. When your muscles are tucked away, you will be able to feel that twitching sensation more deeply. In addition, I can feel that the waist area that was loosened for some reason will become tighter. Rather than becoming muscular, it's like being aware of your invisible inner muscles and rejuvenating your body from the inside out.
Q I don't know what PC muscle is.       A The PC muscle is the muscle you use when you consciously try to stop peeing. If you're not sure, try to consciously stop urinating when you urinate on the toilet. The place to focus your strength at that time is your PC muscle.
Q I don't know how long to use it or when to remove it.        A For the first week or so of use, start with about 30 minutes. When you get used to it, extend it from 1 to 2 hours to 4 to 5 hours...and so on. If you don't know when to take it off during the day's cycle, for example, it is recommended that you take it off when you go to the bathroom.

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